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How AR/VR is influencing manufacturing companies?
Every industry is benefiting with AR/VR solutions, be it healthcare, gaming, entertainment or engineering. Immersive technologies are not only enhancing corporate functions but completely revolutionizing businesses.
How AR/VR is influencing manufacturing companies?
Written By
Ashish Kulkarni
Published On
29 Jun 2023
Every industry is benefiting with AR/VR solutions, be it healthcare, gaming, entertainment or engineering. Immersive technologies are not only enhancing corporate functions but completely revolutionizing businesses. Do you wish to know how Bell can help you transform your manufacturing segment? Read on
Pwc research shows a $360bn GDP boost by 2030 in the service and product development industry with the implementation of AR/VR solutions.
This endorses AR/VR can be used as a powerful tool in the industry, with extensive experience in the field of technology, Bell believes AR/VR could change the way manufacturing sector operates.
With miniscule parts and complicated assembly, training, safety, maintenance, design & development processes in the manufacturing field can be done with utmost ease and accuracy. Adhering to time, resources and reduced revenues, Bell Immersive, designs and delivers unique AR/VR solutions that helps businesses achieve their goals in different ways –
Safety Training
Employee safety is one of the biggest challenge and responsibility in manufacturing companies. Augmented/Virtual reality can ease training situations by simulating real time situations where employees can develop knowledge and skills under secure environments
Complex Assembly
Precision is the key to modern manufacturing and this holds true to any production segment be it smart phones or jet engines, every assembly line requires accurate directives and usage of conventional static document for work instructions may be hard to refer and impact the delivery timelines.
With AR/VR we will help you in reducing the time wasted on production floor. Employees can access information/instruction hands-free at all time and voice controlled. So, we break down the instructions display procedures and create an immersive learning experience as an assembly assistance.
Enhanced maintenance
Imagine employees being able to check the status of the machine with the help of a gadget. With the advancements in the digital world, users can refer to step-by-step information and repair the machine with more precision and ease.
Troubleshooting steps can be simulated to quickly fix issues especially when people are working remotely. Human errors and execution time can be reduced and performance can be increased. By implementing AR/VR, there is no doubt that the productivity and profitability will have limitations.
Simplified logistics
Packing and shipping can be made easier with AR/VR. Employees can locate the products and good through an AR landscape which enhances productivity at work by reducing errors. With emerging technologies businesses are already using mobile systems and smart glasses to achieve their business needs across functions
Employees and organizations that we have collaborated and with our current projects we see that the benefits of AR/VR are essentially endless.
As technology specialist, we can commit on the transformation businesses will have after implementing immersive technologies. It will not only create a leading edge to the organization and enhance employee skill set but also boost business ROI’s and market positioning & branding
Contact Bell Immersive Technologies today to learn more about how we can help your business leverage the power of machine-learning algorithms for fraud detection and prevention
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